Empowering You
in Mind Body & Soul
With almost 10 years experience in this field I have been witness to the
power and magic of personal and spiritual development work.
ts effects are REAL + TRANSFORMATIVE. Your outer life is merely a reflection of your inner world. By taking responsibility of your inner world of thoughts, emotions and actions you can create the life you desire and overcome the shadowy workings of your ego. Take a peak through the lens of love instead of fear! Clear your lack mentality! Open up to receiving! Don't let fear hold you back from unleashing your AWESOMENESS. You were built to be AUTHENTICALLY, MAGICALLY + UNIQUELY YOU. Bring out that inner LEGEND in your life, work or your business by experiencing a powerful blend of Soul + Consciousness Coaching® . Exapand your mind and learn the mechanics of your own being so you can finally IMPROVE your SELF and your LIFE. Create from your soul- centred self. Learn how to SILENCE your inner critic, take control over your inner saboteur and empty the baggage of negative beliefs. Learn how to disarm your EGO and be empowered by your SOUL. Time to exfoliate all the negative conditioning and turn those wounds into wisdom! Make a decision right now to move in the direction of your dreams and live a PASSIONATE
and PURPOSEFUL life.
I honestly can't wait to show you how much LIGHT
+ POWER exists in that soul of yours.
Eryka xx
I am lucky to have incredible empowered clients throughout the world! Join 70,000+ fans on Facebook or subscibe to my newsletter to stay connected!
Improve Your Life with Mind Body Soul Life Coaching
Specialised Coach Training
Holistic + Spiritual Coaching
Relationship & SoulMate Coaching
SoulBoss Business Coaching
Health & Wellness Coaching
Self Esteem & Confidence Coaching
Neuro Linguistic Programming- NLP
Psychic Soul & Health Readings
Hypnosis + TimeLine Therapy
Cutting the Ties Sessions
Reiki, Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing
Personal Growth Workshops
Women's Retreats & Goddess Circles
Eryka is dedicated to helping you become empowered and transforming at a SOUL LEVEL. She has developed a trademarked methadology of soul-based transpersonal coaching called CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING®.
Her unique method offers a holistic and practical approach addressing ALL aspects of SELF: the body, the mind, the emotions, and energetic anatomy/spirit.
Across all aspects of life, the key to success lies in your ability to connect to, create and live from your heart centred, soul-based, authentic self. When we heal and transform our relationship with ourselves, we awaken to our true strength + become an inspirational force in the world. This level of empowerment demands the integration of deep self-knowledge, acute awareness, clear intention, fearless truth, and love and compassion. Compassion coaching is a big part of her work.
Eryka specialises in helping you mange your thoughts and emotions, clear wounds and old energy imprints that are unconsciously holding you back. Her philosophy is strongly anchored in the belief that 'You do not need to 'change' to become better, you merely need to be shown how to open yourself to allow your true essence and strength to rise to the surface/' Eryka will help you locate the negative beliefs, patterns + fears that lurk in your unconscious that keep you from being your true best self.
CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING® is a soul-based coaching methdology that EMPOWERS you to explore and discover you OWN healing, insights and direction by helping you expand your sense of inner and outer conscious awareness. It seeks to bring you into a harmonious relationship with your everyday life, your past and with your true INNER INFINITE SELF. You will experience this through expanding your consciousness BEYOND EGO and personality. This allows you to see and relate to your experiences in a more meaningful and accurate context. You will shift from a place of fear, pain, suffering and numbness to a place of clarity, truth and freedom.
Soul-based CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING® differs to therapy at a personality, ego level that most coaching and traditional therapy is pitched at. If you want DEEP and PERMANANT transformation that will radically SHIFT you to a higher consciousness and an EXPANDED awareness of who you are, this is it.
Our personal development programs are designed to be an adventure of SELF-DISCOVERY; you will gain a new perspective to your problems and see SOLUTIONS you could not see before. You will learn tools and strategies that will help you improve your standard of living and uncover how to make better decisions by empowering yourself to achieve your own goals. We are one of few services in Melbourne and the rest of the world that offer an integrative approach to holistic life coaching, and the only one in the world offering CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING® .
We offer a specialised trademarked personal coaching method that offer a lot more than just quick, short-term fixes. Our workshops are designed to assist you with building confidence and self-esteem, as well as provide effective relationship coaching and counselling in person for people in Melbourne or remotely for people world-wide.
You will be guided step-by-step to improve any aspect of your life by ensuring your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic bodies are all aligned; create a permanent transformation and enjoy the journey of personal growth through our personal coaching and development programs in Melbourne and world wide.
By taking this journey you can expect to:
Clear away negative beliefs and redesign your unconscious thought processes
Live through the Law of Attraction and take your life to the next level
Experiencing limitless abundance and live with an attitude of gratitude
Feel how amazing life is by becoming fully awakened
Conquer your ego and let go of what holds you back
Live by positive expectations and trust your intuition
Silence negative influences and thoughts and learn to accept all parts of who you are
Heal your heart, forgive and let go of your past
Release fear + self sabotage and become who you truly are.
You will feel lighter, more in control, positive, motivated and excited about your life. We will give you the clarity to make healthy decisions. People who have undertaken our coaching and personal development have achieved:
Greater self-awareness and spiritual connection
More compassion towards self and others
A deeper and healthier relationship with themselves and others.
Clearer, more focused & inspired
Decreased stress, less fear & more energy
Improved relationships, deeper connections and better communication
Reduced anger, more control and calmness
More energy, better health and an improved wellbeing
Ability to live in the present and enjoy life
Stronger confidence and self-esteem
Happiness, health and optimism with a clear goal, plan and direction
Finding their soul's purpose and living fiercely authentic lives.
We offer you the knowledge, guidance, tools and support to ensure you get RESULTS.
is a registered trademark of Eryka Stanton and Empowered Living.
"I first saw Eryka with the intention to attract a partner into my life, what I got was so much more.. she helped me completely transform my life in all areas including work & work life balance, finance, family, personal relationships and yes, I did meet my ideal partner… and it was an easy, exciting and liberating journey. Eryka has a gift and I could not recommend her highly enough."
"To this very moment, I have not met Eryka in person, yet her wisdom and guidance has changed my life dramatically. She managed to breakthrough decades of victim mentality /beliefs that held me captive of my own illusions about myself and the world. If it was not for Eryka, I would probably be still letting life happen to me, believing that I had no say over it...