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1 Day Dynamic Workshop

Date & Time: Sat 13 February 2016 : 11am-4pm
Limited to 10 people only
Cost: $220 with Workbook and refreshments provided.
Venue: Empowered Living 6 Woorayl St Carnegie


This workshop is going to get you moving forward in a CREATIVE, INSPIRED + and SUPERCHARGED way!!

You will finally MAKE IT HAPPEN + become successful in the areas of your life you want to focus on, whether that’s relationships, health, money or career….

Crystalise your intentions for the next 12 months...set goals, design dreamboards, create mottos and HEALTHY habits for the year. We will do some mediation/ energy boosters and lots more creative and insightful exercises to help you connect and flow through the day.

We are going to break barriers keeping you stuck!! There are many hidden reasons why we don’t set goals, why we can’t stick to them or feel congruent with them. This workshop is going to get you creating an extraordinary year in a supportive, supercharged way!

During this workshop you will:

Don’t let 2016 just happen to you. Design it, manifest it, plan it, be excited by it and above all *ACTION IT*!! At the end of Novemeber 2016, there’ll be a round up group call for the attendees to check in that you have achieved your goal.

Founder of Empowered Living.

Empowered Living Healing Space
6 Woorayl Street Carnegie Vic 3163.
Across Carnegie Train Station.

$230 for the day inc light lunch refreshments + workbook.

RSVP : By Monday 1 Feb 2016.

Due to the intimate nature of this day, spaces are limited to 10 (we have such an inspiring space). You must register to attend. Call Eryka at Empowered Living on 1300 620 998 or email


Women's Weekend Soul Retreat in MtMartha

Date & Time: Sat 19 +20 March 2016 

Limited to 12 people only


Enjoy a blissful SOUL IGNITING women's weekend away  where you will be nourished in Mind Body and Soul. Time to unwind and simply BE with your essential self. 
This AMAZING 2 day retreat offers a unique opportunity to relax, be empowered, star gaze, enjoy nature, dance, laugh, rebalance and reconnect with your spirit. Have fun and enjoy the company of the collective wisdom of wonderful women and find renewed clarity and strength. 


Find out more here or share this event with your friends.




Discover Your Soul Contracts & Life Lessons

Personal & Spiritual Development 1 Day Workshop

Date & Time: Sat 23 April and 17 September 2016: 10.00am-5pm
Limited to 10 people only
Cost: $230 Workbook and refreshments provided.
Venue: Empowered Living


Get ready to go on a very personal and powerful journey within- one that will help you access accurate and important information regarding your very own karmic life lessons, pre-birth agreements and soul contracts you have come to fulfil in this lifetime.

Every challenge, opportunity, lesson, event and synchronicity is based on your karma. You will learn how to activate your life contract to help you access your highest potential and purpose and clear karmic debt.

Once you complete this process it wil guide you for the rest of your life. This will help you become clear on how best to accomplish your greater purpose on earth and reach your highest potential.

Every moment of every day, you have choice, not only about what you do, but also about how you choose to respond to your choices, actions and experiences. You will learn how to identify a soul contract, recognise how it's influencing you and know what to do and what not to do to influence the best outcome.


Join me for a one day workshop that will help you:


- Make better choices in life

- Discover how to improve your life and relationships

- Develop deep self awareness and stop sabotaging yourself

- Get to know your ego and learn to manage its power

- Come face to face with your true self and your potential

- Access you innate wisdom and intuition

- See the world through compassionate spiritual eyes

- Become more positive and manage your emotions

- Understand your life's events in a new light

- Stop struggling in life and learn how to live from your soul.



Please email your details to or call 1300 620 998 for further information. Adeposit is required to secure your seat at the workshop as places are strictly limited to 10 people only.

Refreshments and Workbook Provided.



Testimonial from previous workshop:

"I just want to say thank you to Eryka from the bottom of my heart! I really feel like this is a massive turning point in what this has taught me. This new awareness that I now have of being able to make the choice of moving out of the shadows by shining a light on my fears rather than trying to suppress them has totally changed my outlook . I have learnt so much about myself and the reasons that I used to self sabotage and for that I am eternally grateful. The weekend that I spent with you was absolutely life changing."

Kirsty S




A little bit more about Sacred Contracts.

Are you trying to gain insight and understanding about relationships and overall experiences in your life? Each event, relationship and experience represents an individual ‘Contract’ that is part of your overall ‘Sacred Contract’. This may require you to be in a certain place at a certain time so that you can become connected with a person, event or even an illness. This is why many times we feel it is destiny that determines who comes in and out of our lives or what happens to us. Your contract or lessons may come in the form of a challenge at work, the dissolution of an old relationship or the formation of a new one. Archetypes are the tools you embrace in order to fulfill your contract so that your personal and spiritual power is stretched and evolves.


What’s a Sacred Contract/ Spiritual Agreements?
Your ‘Contract’ contains a wide range of agreements regarding all the lessons you came to learn from this life - mainly it defines what people will come in our lives so that your spiritual self can evolve. Your Sacred Contract defines your personal power and spiritual power. It teaches you to become conscious about how you use and direct your energy, whom you give it to and why. This contract is the greater expression of your personal power and reveals whether you are living in accordance with your highest potential. The closer you get to your true mission in life, the less frustrated you are and the more in tune your energy will be on a daily basis.


What the bleep is an Archetype!?
Archetypes are a living form of energy that are the foundation of your personality, drives, feelings, beliefs, motivations and actions and are chosen before you come into this life time. They are a pattern of intelligence within you which you can engage with the light or shadow. Archetypes are a collective body of energy that governs your psyche and soul. They are intimate companions with you to guide you through this life time and life lessons in order to understand yourself. They can lead you to profound understandings about you and your life purpose. Archetypes are an ancient and universal pattern of behaviour that is drawn from the collective unconscious. They are an impersonal pattern of influence that becomes personalized when they are a part of your individual psyche.


These archetypes are characters that you play e.g. playing the victim, child, mother, fool, healer, teacher. By identifying your personal 12 archetypes you come face to face with your true personality or ego selves and come to understand how these characters play out in various aspects of your life. Each character or archetype determines the kind of lessons and challenges that you are faced with in all aspects of your every day life. The good news is that these archetypes are meant to bring out the best in you and help you reveal your highest potential.


By understanding and reading the symbols and signs you can get unstuck out of negative emotions and better manage life, access your intuition and solve many of life's problems. Curious? Call us on 1300 620 998 to find out more.



Manifest Your Future Mandala Workshop

1 Day Workshop

Date & Time: sAT 18  June 2016

Limited to 10 people only
Cost: $75 All materials and light refreshments provided.
Venue: Empowered Living 6 Woorayl St Carnegie


Live & Create Your Life with Positive Intent during this one day Mandala Workshop. You do not need any creative experience to enjoy this workshop!

A Mandala is a Sacred Circle. Our unconscious mind communicates via symbols and the mandala you design is a direct expression and representation of your soul.

Explore your inner self by experiencing meditation, intention setting and drawing spiritual mandalas. During this workshop you will give your soul an opportunity to express your positive intentions you wish to attract and create in your life. The energy of the mandala will continue to work with you for months after it is created.

The workshop will start with a guided meditation to connect you to your inner self. From this connected space, you will be guided to create a mandala that represents ‘Creating Your Future With Intent’. Allow yourself to be carried by the flow of your inner self as you draw.

To Register:
Email or phone 1300 620 998 by 5 Aug.

Places Limited - Secure your seat asap.




Finding Love- Attract your Ideal Relationship Workshop

1 Day Workshop

Date & Time: Sat 13 Feb  and 13 August  11am-5pm

Limited to 8 people only
Cost: $180 All materials and light refreshments provided.
Venue: Empowered Living 6 Woorayl St Carnegie



"Our soul recognises a soul connection before the rest of us does! These etheric exchanges occur not only on the earth plane but engage the higher self in a spiritual transformation."


uring this workshop you will not only explore the nature of these mystical encounters but create mental, emotional and physical space to plan to attract your ideal partner into your life!

<> Release your sabotaging unconscious negative beliefs preventing you allowing love in your life
<> Learn about the TRUE nature of soul agreements/sacred contracts
<> Clear energy keeping you stuck in your PAST
<> Learn to balance energetic exchange to contribute to a healthy relationship
<> Understand the difference between different soul connections and how to identify the signs of each experience
<> Set clear positive intentions to attract your ideal partner
<> Anchor your intentions into your unconscious and start creating space to welcome your new love.

TO REGISTER: Contact Empowered Living on 1300 620 998 or email ASAP.






Terms and Conditions of Event Bookings:
Bookings must be made in writing via email to Payment of deposit for event bookings confirm your registration. All event financial depositis are non-refundable.

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