I remember the days I used to feel miserable in a relationship, entrapped by my own emotions and unable to escape because I believed no one would love me.
I put up with shit no one should put up with for over a decade..why? All because I had a very warped idea of what my value was. The struggle, pain and despair was MY DOING.
My low self worth set a very low standard in general and it is exactly what I got! I look back on that young beautiful girl now and think how ridiculous I was to feel this way and hold myself imprisoned in a hell of a situation, not to mention waste by youth and beauty in misery for no good reason. What I learned along the way is that it was never about needing ANOTHER person to love me...I have always been the one I was needing the VALIDATION and love from.
Thank God I soul searched my little heart out and committed to a process of inner renovating and finally arrived at the mountain top of self awareness that helped me fall deeply in love with the Divine within the closet of my own heart. It's called DIVINE CONFIDENCE and it is not based on my appearance, achievements, possessions or any other bullshit impermanent labels...it is deeply rooted in my knowing that my worth is inherent because I am a sacred being ..and WE ALL ARE.
And you know what!? I have never felt lonely ever again!! Not to mention my whole world turned inside out in the most incredibly majestic way imaginable. if things are not going right for you it is most likely a nudge to look WITHIN and clear the crappy ideas, imaginations and perceptions that are standing in the way of you having IT ALL in life and love.. 💜
If I can get to this place of personal spiritual empowerment and create an unbelievable life then SO CAN YOU. Get in touch with me if your soul needs a little navigating.
A passionate teacher, author, coach, a modern psychic, healer and soultreupreneur, Eryka is genuinely passionate about helping people experience inner and outer transformations that empowers their soul.