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global empowerment coach | spiritual mentor &  trainer psychic | author | artist | founder consciousness coaching®

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global empowerment coach | spiritual mentor &  trainer psychic | author | artist | founder consciousness coaching®

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Entering The Galactic Gateway of Your Heart

The one and only holy point of harmonic convergence with the cosmos is through your heart. Think of your heart as a galactic gateway that is hardwired to heaven, allowing you to access mystical realms and infinite dimensions.  

The heart is the true master of your being but the mind has deceived you into treating it as such. The only way to create balance and wholeness in our being is by making the inner sacred pilgrimage from our head to our heart. Our lives are labyrinths, divinely designed pathways that gently call us to come home to our centre in each breath. When awakened and opened, our hearts hold the potential to ushers in continual stream of divine consciousness that permeates your being, that restore your cellular health, that replenish your spirit and unite you with a cosmic creativity beyond comprehension. The irony is that by keeping our hearts closed, both our intellect and intuition remain fragmented and distorted. Our minds manipulate us into remaining hardened in heart and empowered by ego. We need to soften. We need to reinstate our value for vulnerablity, for gentleness and heart-centredness over self-centred ness. We are misguided by the demands of the world and the voices of fear. We have been conditioned to doubt our spiritual potential and dismiss the heart’s ability to lead us to our divine destiny. We instead focus on our life destiny, we focus on our appearance, our money, our titles, our needs rather than surrendering ourselves to the salvation of our soul from the wheel of samsara. Journeying into your heart grants you access to the majestic beauty of this miraculous universe. It’s that simple. You don’t need a rocket or a spaceship. You don’t need a pilot... let love lead you to the light. Let love be your pilot to the inner workings of the heart. Through it, you are able to bypass the time space continuum and explore the many galaxies, stars and multi realities that exist beyond the far reaches of your imagination. Your heart gifts you the ability to tap into the unified field of genius and download and manifest infinite streams of creative potential. Yet we do not think to turn inwards to enter the kingdom of potentiality. We often do not think to look there to find wisdom and direction. We ignorantly search outside ourselves- searching high and low for answers and inspiration that is otherwise already inherently available to us. We wrongly dismiss the simplicity of our soul and favour the complexity of our ego. If only we knew that our every heartbeat emanates a vibrational frequency that infinitely pulsates throughout the universe. If only we knew that we are all divine containers of consciousness. We all have the inherent capability to connect directly with the sacred energy emanating from the galactic center that contains the power to awaken the higher mind of humanity. We must realise we are all responsible for creating the divine chaos during this pivotal moment in history. We are here to assist in the evolutionary shift of humanity by dropping into our portal of potentiality and awakening the single spiritual eye of our collective heart. We have been intentionally built to be containers of light. Despite our challenges, we are always capable of finding our way back to love. Let the magic of your every life-giving breath remind you that you are never alone...let it remind you that you can always find the lamp of your heart lit within the dark, guiding you home. Let every sunrise remind you that you are a significant and intentional part of this holy cosmic creation. You ARE eternally and unconditionally loved. The intelligence of every cosmic culture of all of creation, across multi-dimensions and realities converges into one single pivotal point ...and that place is your sacred heart. So travel often and travel light, for this destination requires nothing of you other than your willingness to surrender to its invitation to embody its wisdom and light. Drop your attention to your heart and project a telepathic matrix of peace and love around mother earth. Imagine that you are holding this jewel of the universe in the centre of your being. Allow the frequencies of wonder, appreciation, gratitude and compassion to shower this planet, your home, and all life forms in it, with pure spiritual love. Let your love linger.... May it bring light to all of humanity and all in your orbit. Finally, may it give you the wings to fly closer to heaven. © ERYKA STANTON SPIRITUAL TEACHER+ COACH+ BIZ MENTOR FOUNDER: Academy of Soul Empowerment and CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™️ Method. Become a qualified soul-based coach at

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